
Department Return

Date of creation of the Department of Surgery and Head and Neck: March 31, 1998, Ordinance 10/98

Previous names: Dismembered Department of Surgery (Founder - Member oldest - keeper of the story): Prof. Dr. Joseph Victor Maniglia

History Department: The Department of Otolaryngology was an integral part of the Department of Surgery since the dawn of the Faculty of Medicine.

From the year 1987 absorbed the services of Head and Neck Surgery, Speech and Dentistry under the leadership of Prof. Dr. José Victor Maniglia.

The performance of Discipline was restricted to the teaching program at the undergraduate level and ambulatory worked precariously, attended by a doctor hired without work in the surgical area.

The service Residency was started in 1988 in partnership with the Santa Casa de Misericórdia/ Franca in which residents, 4 each year, participating in a rotation system trimensal.

This program was maintained for three(03) years after becoming, restricted to FAMERP

In 1998, the Department of Otolaryngology, became the Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck (Dep ORL-HNS), through a process of institutional decentralization, by ordinance FAMERP n º 10/98, issued by the then director Prof. Dr. José Victor Maniglia.

In 2001 the Department of ENT-HNS designed and managed funds for the installation of Microsurgery Laboratory Prof.. Dr. Anthony Jaiter Maniglia, which are held teaching and research multidepartamentais.

The Department has outstanding performance in undergraduate teaching in medical residency in care and scientific research.

The Residency, approved by the MEC, presents an intensive program lasting three years, participating in 4 residents per year.

In February 2005, the program was instituted Fellowshlip (R4), in the area of ​​Skull Maxillofacial and Aesthetic Surgery of the Face and subsequently officially as an Area of ​​Practice approved by the MEC in 2007, with the participation of two residents by year.

Leader Department: Prof. Dr. John Padovani Armando Junior

Vice leader: Prof. Dr. Joseph Victor Maniglia

Academic Structure: Teaching Undergraduate, Postgraduate Sensu Lato, Home, Improvement, Specialization.

Vocational structure: Laboratories, outpatient, ICU and infirmary

The Structure


  • Av. Brg. Faria Lima, 5416
  • Vila São Pedro - CEP 15090-000
  • São José do Rio Preto - SP



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